Sunday, July 20, 2008

Week 10 - Rollo

Set up my Rollo account and created a search roll for a number of social policy sites that I search on a regular basis. This would be a great way to search across all these sites in one hit. I did a couple and it seemed to work, but I need to test out its search capability further. Can definitely see a use for this one.

Week 9 - Wikis

I can see lots of uses Wikis for a number of library activities- newsletters, new boo ks lists etc.

Week 8

I had a play around with this, but as installing softwear is abit of a no, no with our IT, I couldn't go any further. Can see potential for this application.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Week 7 -iGoogle

Hey, I had lots of fun with this one. Added weather, clock, buddhist thought of the day (comes in handy!) and book of the day.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Week 6 - Google Tools

Google Books

I've used Google Books off and on but I see it has a new look - more visuals. I've found it useful at different times, even for reference queries, although it's frustrating when the page you really want isn't available. It does feel like Google is taking over the world!!

Google Maps

Another one that I have used on the odd occasion. Can you print out the maps??
It's a fun tool.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I pick up my new kitten tomorrow! I wasn't planning on this but my sister and I were out to lunch on my birthday and walked home via the Vets where there were kittens on sale and we went, just to have a peek mind you. My sister, who is not a cat person at all fell in love with this Tabby boy who is also part Siamese. He is rather gorgeous. I just hope my cat at home agrees!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Week 5 - Facebook and MySpace

Not sure if I'm repeating myself here and I did a new post but then I got a smart and now I can't find it, so here we go again.

I do have a Facebook page as a fellow librarian invited me as a "friend". I haven't used it as I don't feel comfortable with it, particularly with private stuff up there, although I know you can limit it to "friends". I can see some good uses for libraries - raising your profile, communicating etc. A s for MySpace, I have always seen it as a teenagers thing - not for us oldies, as my son spends most of his time on it. Once again, though, I can see some potential library use.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Week 4 - RSS feeds

I used Google reader to set up my feeds. Although I've heard alot about "feeds" this is the first time I have actually set some up. Very useful.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Thanks to Leslie, I now have my librarything widget on my blog. (some sort of problem with my brower). I just have two books, each describing the dark side of Sicily and Naples. These were recommended to me just the other day by a very old school friend who now lives on the island of Stromboli. I hope I get around to reading them some day. I checked but my local library (Yarra Plenty) don't have them. Maybe they could get them in????

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Week 3 -

Yes it's after 3.00pm and I'm craving chocolate! I seem to be developing an animal theme here. I didn't intend to but there you go!

Roan guinea pig

As well as cats I am a bit of a guinea pig fan as well. This is a picture of Roan, our pure bred Roan (hence the name) guinea pig who has now departed our home to go on to a much more fun life as a stud with a breeder. I think he will be much happier there as he was a lonely only boy at our place.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Week 2 - Flickr

Well I have a photo up on Flickr but I can't seem to figure out how to upload it on to my blog. I'm finding this frustrating and with constant interuptions, I've now given up!!! Do you have to register or something with Flickr Blog or something? I know, I know I should read the instructions - again but I'm too impatient!

Here is my photo. I'm a bit of a cat person and this is a photo my colleague took of her "part time cat" - he has a few homes he drops into - half his luck!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Getting started - setting up a blog

Wow, that was a bit of fun and games. Just when I was beginning to wonder if I was ever going to get started, I stumbled on to the right page. Still don't know how!!! Probably not helped by a hectic morning and the beginning of a headache which thankfully disappeared. Does this have spell check on it? If not I'm in trouble as I'm utterly reliant on it. Looking forward to learning lots.