Thursday, June 12, 2008

Week 5 - Facebook and MySpace

Not sure if I'm repeating myself here and I did a new post but then I got a smart and now I can't find it, so here we go again.

I do have a Facebook page as a fellow librarian invited me as a "friend". I haven't used it as I don't feel comfortable with it, particularly with private stuff up there, although I know you can limit it to "friends". I can see some good uses for libraries - raising your profile, communicating etc. A s for MySpace, I have always seen it as a teenagers thing - not for us oldies, as my son spends most of his time on it. Once again, though, I can see some potential library use.

1 comment:

Learning 2.0 said...

I admit to having a facebook account but do not look at it that often. I must admit to being a little tired of getting things sent to me, eggs, plants, etc...I find that I am much more likely to communicate with colleagues on Ning...a bit more for us oldies as you so aptly put it : )